Adopt Maya

Adopt Taco

Adopt Joey

Adopt Rex

Adopt Charlie

Adopt Cody

B.A.R.K. Ottawa

August 5th, 2016
After the cheque sitting on my desk for over a month, we finally joined Sharon from B.A.R.K. Ottawa when they were on a rescue of a whole litter of puppies. In the end we raised 3.2199 BTC which was exchanged at $870.24 CAD/BTC for a total donation of $2,802.10 CAD.

Getting to meet Sharon in person and hold the rescued puppies makes it all worth while!

June 10th, 2016

When we heard about the troubles that Sharon McKeil & B.A.R.K. Ottawa found themselves in recently related to ransomware & bitcoin, we felt for them, but we felt for the dogs even more. The dogs that Sharon & B.A.R.K. Ottawa spend so much time and effort caring for and finding homes with fitting families for are the ones that suffered the most through this ordeal. As another local Ottawa Business, and the longest running Bitcoin Brokerage in Canada, we are calling on the help of the Bitcoin Community to make things right! We know ransomware happens, and we sometimes have to help customers in a similar situation, but this one is different. This isn't a business losing profits, this is registered charity that helps dogs and they suffered because opportunistic hackers have found a way to make a few bucks the dirty way.

For reference, here's some history

The story was also featured on an episode of CBC Radio One's 'The Current', with Anna Maria Tremonti

So, Canadian Bitcoins is calling upon the Bitcoin Community to make this right!
We have setup a Donation Address: 1HD921z1ojj6cU4wNubJo5mKUSgvCEPPdx (Blockchain Link) and we will:
  1. Donate an initial 1.0 BTC
  2. Convert all BTC donations to CAD at spot with 0 fees
  3. Ensure Sharon & B.A.R.K. Ottawa receive the donations

So come on Bitcoiners, lets show Sharon & B.A.R.K. Ottawa what the actual Bitcoin Community is like. We aren't all bad people.

We have a set a goal of 5 BTC (~$3,700 CAD), but hope with the support of the community we can go above and beyond. We will run this campaign for the next two weeks, closing at 12:00 noon on June 24th.

Questions? Media Inquiries?
Call James @ 613-369-5009 x101
or Email: [email protected]